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Check the appropriate category below to view specific portions of guidance, policy guidelines, or examination ratings definitions.

Please note that subsequent legal cases and legislation can affect the validity of past guidance documents. Guidance documents are valid at the time they are published, based on the law and facts at that given time. The OSBC conducted a review of its guidance documents in 2019, made relevant updates, and determined that the following guidance documents, as updated, remain valid.

2023-1 Kansas eFiling System Outage (Revoked May 2024)

2021-1 Tax Equity Finance Transactions

2019-1 Residential Real Estate Mortgage, Appraisal and Evaluation Threshold

2018-1 Commercial Real Estate Mortgage, Appraisal and Evaluation Threshold

Guidance for Banks Regarding Marijuana Derived Products (Issued 1-17-19)

2017-1 Savings Promotions

2009-1 K.S.A. 9-1104, Legal Lending Limit Combination Rules and Common Enterprise

2008-1 Disclosure of Confidential Examination Report Information

2004-2 OSBC Comprehensive Other Real Estate Policy and Guidelines

2004-1 Certificates of Deposit Account Registry Service

2002-2 Legal Lending Limit; Loans to Corporate Groups

2001-2 Requests for Extension of Time to Hold Property

2000-3 Use of County Tax Assessment Information for Evaluations

2000-2 Sale of Bank Property to Employees / Approval of the Commissioner

1997-7 Legal Lending Limit and Reg O

1997-5 Approval of Officer Compensation by an Institution’s Board of Directors

1997-3 Approval of Officer Compensation by an Institution’s Board of Directors / New State Ethics Rules Applicable to Bank Examiners / Record Retention

1997-2 Special Order 1997-2

1996-8b Leasing of Bank Premises to Third Parties

1996-8a Timing of Audits

1996-8 Timing of Audits / Leasing of Bank Premises to Third Parties

1995-27 Unclaimed Property; Abandonment Periods; Money Orders

1995-5 Use of the Word “Bank” in a Corporation Name

1995-3 Investment in Temporary Notes

1994-29 Livestock Exclusion from Classification

1994-27 Third Party Messenger Services

1994-26 Loans Sold to a Bank “With Recourse” / Legal Lending Limit

1994-25 Charged-Off Debt of Insiders

1994-22 Overnight Federal Funds

1994-20 Unclaimed Property

1994-15 Holding Period for ORE

1994-14 Repurchase Agreements with Municipalities

1994-13 FASB 115 and Dividend Calculation

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