Approved Revenue Bonds for Pledging to Public Funds

Pursuant to K.S.A. 9-1402 deposits of public moneys of Kansas municipal and quasi-municipal corporations must be secured according to one of the statutorily prescribed methods. One prescribed method is the pledging of securities, security entitlements, financial assets, or securities accounts owned by the bank in which the deposits are made. Below is a list of statutorily approved securities for pledging to public funds.

In addition, the State Bank Commissioner for the State of Kansas has authority to approve for pledging, certain revenue bonds meeting particular criteria. Bonds approved by the Commissioner are maintained in the OSBC Online search engine. Please follow the instructions below to be able to search bonds submitted to and approved by the Commissioner.


Bonds Approved for Pledging Under Statutory Authority

Board of County HospitalK.S.A. 19-4623
Board of RegentsK.S.A. 76-6a23
City & County Revenue (Rated. MIG-1, Aa, or AA)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(9)
K.S.A. 12-1740
City Hospital RevenueK.S.A. 80-2532
Commercial Paper (see criteria in statute)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(13)
County HomeK.S.A. 19-2130
Highway ProgramK.S.A. 9-1402(c)(12)
K.S.A. 68-2319 thru 2330
Insured U.S.A. Obligations (see criteria in statute)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(1)
Kansas Developmental Finance AuthorityK.S.A. 9-1402(c)(11)
K.S.A. 74-8901 thru 8916
Kansas Municipal (general obligation)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(4)
Kansas Municipal (refunded in advance and fully secured)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(2)
Kansas Municipal (temporary notes of general obligations)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(6)
Kansas Municipal Warrants (see criteria in statute)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(7)
Kansas Not-for-Profit Corp. (Rtd. Aa or AA)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(8)
Kansas Not-for-Profit Corp. Mortgage Loan Insured by FHAK.S.A. 9-1402(c)(10)
Local Option Sales Tax RevenueK.S.A. 12-195
Local Residential HousingK.S.A. 12-5232
Municipal Energy AgencyK.S.A. 12-8,100
Negotiable Promissory Notes (see criteria in statute)K.S.A. 9-1402(c)(14)
Public Housing AuthorityK.S.A. 17-2336
State HighwayK.S.A. 68-2310
State of Kansas BondsK.S.A. 9-1402(c)(3)
Turnpike AuthorityK.S.A. 68-2014
Urban RenewalK.S.A. 17-4752
Water StorageK.S.A. 82a-1366
Wildlife & ParksK.S.A. 32-883

Securities approved under the above statutes are not records maintained by the OSBC and thus are not searchable in OSBC Online.

Bonds Approved by the Commissioner

For bonds approved by the Commissioner pursuant to K.S.A. 9-1402(d)(5) and K.S.A. 75-4201(k)(4) please follow these instructions:

1. Online Access

Visit our Online Access by clicking here.. You will need to agree to the Kansas Open Records Act disclaimer before proceeding to the OSBC Online search engine.  Click on the Lookup a License as shown below

2. Search Criteria

Enter the fields that are known to begin a search for a particular bond.

If you only know the municipal or quasi-municipal corporation, please input that information in the “Business Name/DBA” field and select “Revenue Bond” from the “License/Charter Type” field. Then click “Search”.

Example Search: Enter “Garnett” to find “City of Garnett Utility Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds”.


Online Services - Search Criteria

If you know the CUSIP number for a particular bond, you can enter that information in the second box under the “License/Cert Number” fields. You may leave the other fields blank.

Revenue Bond - Search by CUSIP
3. Interpreting the Results

After retrieving the search results, you will be able to tell the status of the particular bond. For more detail on a particular issue, click the Detail link.


Revenue Bond - Click Detail
Revenue Bond Lookup - Detail View

Bond status of “ACTIVE” means the bond has been approved by the Commissioner for pledging to the security of public funds. A bond status of “INACTIVE” means the bond is not approved or the bond has matured. If the bond has matured that information should be displayed in the “Status Reason” category.

If your search does not return any results, the particular bond has not been submitted to the Commissioner for approval and thus would not be acceptable for pledging to public funds.


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