Consumer Assistance

The OSBC will review completed consumer assistance requests and supporting documentation in order to open a case. If the company is within our regulatory authority, you will receive a letter informing you of the case number, and we will begin our investigation.  Please be advised that consumer assistance requests are worked in the order that they are received.  We work diligently to process complaints as quickly as possible.  However, due to the volume of complaints received, processing time may vary.

The consumer assistance form and documentation you submit may be provided to the company for review. We are unable to determine upfront how long it will take to investigate, but when our review is complete, we will advise you of the findings.

The OSBC cannot act as your attorney or provide you with any legal advice. Our regulation is limited to the statutes within our jurisdiction. We do not have the authority to enforce, rescind, or adjudicate contractual agreements, nor will we impede a court decision or determine culpability regarding verbal disputes. If you choose to pursue a lawsuit against a company, you will need to hire your own attorney. Your own attorney can investigate and may be able to take action on your behalf even if we determine this office is unable to assist you. Please remember the law may limit the time for legal action, and the cost of any private attorney would be your responsibility.

Before Filing a Complaint....

Contact someone with authority at the company. Try speaking with the owner, president, or consumer complaint specialist to resolve the problem.

When talking to the person, you should:

  • Be courteous and stay calm.
  • Be prepared to explain the problem – present as many facts as possible, provide dates and amounts paid or billed, and have all supporting documentation.
  • State whether you are willing to negotiate; remember, in many disputes, neither side is totally correct.

If You Cannot Reach a Resolution....

  • Determine if we regulate the entity in question by reviewing the lists below.  We can only assist with complaints dealing with companies we regulate.
  • If we are the regulating agency, proceed to the OSBC Complaints Questionnaire below to begin the complaint filing process.


Who the OSBC Regulates

  • Residential Mortgage Lenders and Brokers
  • Loan Originators
  • Kansas State Chartered Banks
  • Kansas State Chartered Trust Companies
  • Finance Companies
  • Payday Lenders
  • Title Loan Companies
  • Debt Buyers
  • Auto Dealers Who Extend Credit
  • Consumer Credit Sales
  • Credit Counseling Companies
  • Debt Management Companies
  • Money Transmitters
  • Technology-Enabled Fiduciary Financial Institutions

Who the OSBC Does NOT Regulate

The list below are common types of financial companies that are outside of the OSBC’s regulatory authority.  If your company you seek assistance with is categorized below, use the links to file a complaint with their regulator.

*If consumer debt is purchased by a collection agency, then it would qualify as a ‘Debt Buyer’ and licensure may be required as a supervised lender as indicated above in the “Who We Regulate” section.

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